What should society do for “uncivilized cultures” like the Sawi?

The society should establish more of mission organizations or service trips so that anyone, who is willing to help the “uncivilized cultures,” can join at anytime. Also the society should encourage and suggest to the citizens to help out the “uncivilized cultures” through media, broadcasting, and maybe advertisement, since people are mostly affected by media in these days. Most of the time, people tend to just think or say that there should be an improvement in “uncivilized cultures.” Therefore the society should spur those to implement their thought. Furthermore, society can stop the traders and NGO’S by making a law that doesn’t allow the traders and NGO’S to take and use the people of the Sawi coercively for their business by selling them as slaves or some sort of entertainment. The society definitely has a power to bring influence to the people to move into actions.
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