How does Faith relate to the world in which we live?
It is impossible for people to live their lives without Faith since when people are in a dilemma, they rely on religion and faith. This occurrence is perfectly natural. When a baby needs something or is having trouble, the first thing the baby do is search for his mother. Thus in times of trouble, we ask God for help because He is our Father and Creator.
Without Faith, we cannot live our lives with satisfaction and happiness. Often time, we wander in our lives apart from God, questioning the real purpose of our lives. Life is like the
Route 66, which is a route that starts from Chicago, Illinois to all the way to the Los Angeles, California. Before the realization of God being our Creator, we go to the California, West, whereas God is actually at Chicago, East. We keep on going to the direction toward West and find ourselves that there is such a thing as purpose of life since all the monetary and earthly objects do not bring the joy and the satisfaction in our lives. Nevertheless, at some point, God comes into our souls and makes us to realize that we were heading to a wrong destination and need to make a U-turn so we can start our new journey toward God. To allow God to come into our souls, we need to have Faith and let God to completely control our lives. Without Faith, we won't be able to make the U-turn and just keep on going to California, not realizing that there is nothing but hell.
Without Faith, we cannot live our lives with satisfaction and happiness. Often time, we wander in our lives apart from God, questioning the real purpose of our lives. Life is like the

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