How different is your modern culture from the Sawi?
Without analyzing the culture of the Sawi and that of ours profoundly, I first consider that there were so many differences between our culture and the culture of the Sawi. Unlike the modern culture, the Sawi practiced cannibalism and behaved “primitively”. However, as I compare and contrast more about the difference between the two cultures, I made conclusion that all of us, are equivalent because we are the same human beings that are created by God. Even though there is no practicing cannibalism and slaughtering others in our modern culture, there are without doubt sinful acts that are even more sickening actions such as rape, child abuse, and more. Also in our modern culture, we do sometimes deceive one and other, by simply stabbing
on their back. The scenery of people using ruse and chicanery to others in order to have their own benefits is ubiquitous in present days. Even “civilized” people like us are acting exactly like the “uncivilized” Sawi. Consequently there is no difference between them and us because we are all human beings and it’s the human nature to sin against God. This is when the Christianity comes in. Every single person on the Earth is a sinner, and without Jesus Christ in our souls, we will always be “uncivilized”.

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